Housing Consultancy

I have always had a passion for helping and developing people. There is no greater buzz that watching someone that I have come into contact with go on to achieve their goals or aspirations ( no matter how big or small)

In the daytime I am a senior management within the Housing Department for a London Authority, this involves delivering strategic aims around:

  • Preventing homelessness and eliminating rough sleeping
  • Helping households to find accommodation,
  • Supporting tenants and landlords to maintain good relationships,
  • Providing welfare support to residents in need,
  • Ensuring that the Council has applied the law correctly in housing relating matters
  • Providing opportunities for young people in the community in particular care leavers
  • Delivering excellent customer services

I am actively involved in policy decisions, government funding and regularly deliver speaking events at national conferences, produce national articles in homelessness and have been on the BBC news.

Some highlights below:
  • Delivered a million pound saving reorganization, reducing staff by 24%, however, productivity increased by 40%
  • Customer Satisfaction 89% ( Govmetrics)
  • Delivered record high compliments – 40% of the compliments across the Council came from the services that I oversee.
  • Staff satisfaction 91% ( yearly staff survey)
  • Delivered a recruitment drive with over 400 applications for 14 posts
  • Delivered national article for Shelter on one year in Homelessness
  • Delivered an article for Inside Housing on Universal Credit and the private sector
  • Delivered a BBC London News interview on Housing in
  • Currently involved in a Channel Four documentary on Housing.
  • Presentations to the Local Government Association on Homelessness and Prevention
  • Introduction of two schemes linking employment  to housing
  • Speaking at the Local Government Strategic Forum on 12/13th May 2020
  • Developed co-location working agreements with key stakeholders such as Shelter, Solace, Department for Works and Pensions & Ministry of Housing Community and Local Government
  • Delivered a number of workshops for Shelter, NHAS and other Councils on Housing and Homelessness
  • Institute for Leadership and Management Executive Coaching Level 7
  • Regularly attend London Councils Housing Needs meetings
  • Regularly attend Local Councilor meetings and liaise with the Cabinet member for housing and Children and Families
  • Developed a business continuity plan that resulted in 40% of staff being promoted to new roles within the service
  • Employed three staff (former care leavers) to promote joined-up community and inter departmental work
  • Oversaw apprentices to receive distinctions in academic qualifications
  • Delivered the enactment of new legislation (Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
  • Managing a budget in excess of four million pounds
Please contact me for a consultation.